What’s happening at the Cornwall Training Hub?
By Laura Wheeler, Director of Integrated Primary Care Services
It has been a very busy year and as we wait to find out if we were successful in our tender to continue running the Primary Care Training Hub, we continue as usual to provide the best support and services we can to Primary Care. Things are changing around us, the Integrated Care System forms across Cornwall and as Health Education England merges with NHS England alongside all our local pressure that being in a pandemic brings, we will need to adapt to the priorities that emerge. Our Training Hub bulletin keeps all practices up-to-date on our offers to individuals, and we ask that you continue to let us know what you need as practices and PCN’s to support you from a workforce perspective.
Key areas of support: We continue to support individuals and practices by providing Tier Two visa sponsorship, enabling us to retain our successful newly qualified General Practitioners, and we have just launched our support offer for those New to Partnership. Workforce planning is a key area that we have been working on and have a support pack almost ready to go, which will be circulated in the New Year with resources and step by step guides to help you make the most of your workforce.
Click HERE to find out more about the Cornwall Training Hub.