Vitamin B12 Self Directed Learning (Workbook and Video)

Available on request –

A self-directed workbook, serving as an educational resource and a means to demonstrate competency in the theory and practical skills necessary for vitamin B12 administration.

It is designed as an “open book” knowledge update, allowing learners to read and familiarise themselves with best practices in vitamin B12 administration and stay current in their knowledge.

This workbook is for completion by:

  • All staff new to the skill of Vitamin B12 administration
  • All staff needing to update in Vitamin B12 administration (recommended every three years)


Staff undertaking vitamin B12 administration must meet the following requirements:

  1. Registered Healthcare Professionals: Only licensed professionals are eligible to perform this procedure.
  2. Healthcare Support Workers: Must complete a two-day Immunisation Foundation Training programme and demonstrate competency post-training. Documentation of this competency should be retained.

Additionally, all healthcare workers who participate in vitamin B12 administration training must have completed training in the following areas:

  1. Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT)
  2. Anaphylaxis management
  3. Waste management protocols
  4. Inoculation procedures.

To request access, you must meet all the necessary requirements outlined above and complete the following form – Request to Access Vitamin B12 Self Directed Learning (Workbook and Video)

This resource is provided on a fully funded if your Practice subscribes to the Primary Care Education Programme.  For non-members, an administrative charge of £65 (including VAT) applies.