Personalised Care Institute (PCI) – E-learning

The Personalised Care Institute was commissioned by NHS England to provide quality-assured, evidence-based personalised care education. They have a range of e-learning courses (all between 30-60 minutes), webinars, podcasts and resources to increase knowledge of, and skills in, personalised care.

The most recent addition, our Virtual Patient avatars, have been getting very positive reviews, as they help professionals practice shared decision-making conversations and using Teach back.

The training and education is FREE, and just requires users to set up an account so that they can log in and track their progress. Upon completion of the e-learning courses, learners receive a CPD certificate, and for medical colleagues these can be used to claim CME points. These free courses are suitable for all health and care professionals, regardless of profession or seniority.

You can access the free e-learning courses here:


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