Independent Non-Medical Prescribing course – Selection Process

19th March, 2024

Please complete the information requested on this page to express your interest in undertaking the NMP course in the next academic year  (One form per person please)

Please show your DMP this document and get agreement from them before you complete this form. DMPs do not need to be Medical practitioners but will need to have undertaken the relevant training to undertake this role.

Please review the admission criteria for the course, it varies depending discipline applying.  Independent and supplementary non-medical prescribing (NMP603 / NMP703) – University of Plymouth

Non medical prescribing course places are now commissioned for primary care by NHSE and Cornwall training hub for primary care are allocated a number of places each year.

The need for you to undertake this course should be in your professional development plan and the Practice development plan, this should in turn inform the PCN training plan. You should be able to demonstrate the required clinical assessment skills, knowledge and academic level to undertake the course.

If you are considering working towards an advanced level of practice, NMP modules are included as part of year 2 of the pathway, please contact to discuss options for accessing the advanced practice pathway funding.

Paramedics please ensure you have read the Independent Prescribing and Paramedics FAQs prior to applying

Non Medical Prescribing Data Capture
Role: Please Select One of the Following *
I confirm that I have read the entry requirements for the course for my professional area and am able to comply with these. If the answer is no please expand why you should be considered in your supporting informationng the application to the course have been in the area that I intend to prescribe. Part-time workers must have practised for a sufficient period to be deemed competent by their employer *
Preference of University - This may not be an option as course is now commissioned places from HEE *

If you are having problems submitting your form, please email with the text below and a screen shot of any errors. This information will be used to help us to resolve this technical issue.

Please try using a different website browser or device in the first instance. If you are still experiencing problems, please get in touch by emailing

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