Coaching & Mentoring
GP Mentoring Programme
The GP Mentoring programme has been delivered by Cornwall Training Hub since 2021, and has primarily supported GPs in their first 2 years in practice.
The Training Hub has enabled experienced GPs to train as mentors, gaining accreditation with the EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) in order to mentor others. We are pleased to now be offering mentoring more widely to GPs working in Cornwall. This includes those in salaried, partnership and locum roles.
The Offer
GPs can register via the below form. As soon as mentor capacity allows, a mentor will be allocated from our current pool. Their time will be funded to meet with you virtually for 1 hour per month for an initial 6 month period. Mentors will conduct introductory sessions with you to introduce themselves, and discuss your goals and objectives for mentoring, and anything particular that you are looking for support with. The mentoring provided includes a commitment to confidentiality, so that you are assured this provides a safe space for discussions about your career development and any challenges or changes you may be facing.
If you are a GP working in Cornwall, and would like to register your interest to access some mentoring sessions via the Training Hub, please complete the following form. We will then contact you with further information and look to match you will one of our trained GP Mentors if we have the capacity to do so.
Deciding between Coaching or Mentoring
Both Coaching and Mentoring are about learning and personal development, however their approaches can be different.
Coaching is usually non directive, and a coach facilitates the development of the coachee by using questioning techniques, tools and frameworks for the coachee to develop and unlock their potential. Coaching helps individuals learn and grow through a collaborative, future focussed, goal-orientated process.
Mentoring provides a developmental relationship in which one person (the Mentor) is usually someone more experienced and knowledgeable in a similar role, providing support and guidance to help another (the Mentee) to grow in their role and increase their potential capability. Mentoring can also use coaching techniques and models in order to do this.
More Information
For further information or to register your interest please email