Supporting GPs in Cornwall
The Training Hub is working to support the GP workforce in Cornwall to access career support, education and training, and updates in a more accessible way.
Annual GP Update- Red Whale
The Training Hub brought the Red Whale GP Update course to Cornwall in February 2020, delivered as a face to face session. The course was attended by over 90 GPs and clinicians from Cornwall, and feedback from the event welcomed the opportunity to access CPD in this way locally. The Training Hub plan to bring this opportunity to Cornwall on an annual basis, face to face if possible, or virtually following the restrictions in place following the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity and registering interest for future events, please contact us at:
Webinar Learning
The Training Hub have delivered a series of learning webinars in conjunction with partners and clinical experts across Cornwall. This first series of 5 webinars was focussed on Dementia, and the Training hub was fortunate to benefit from input from the National clinical lead for Dementia Professor Alistair Burns. The full series can be watched on demand via our Youtube channel via this link below…
The Importance of Diagnosis
Other webinars in the series that can be found on our Youtube channel are;
‘Three Ds’
‘Living Well with Dementia’- (Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management) with guest speakers Dr Henry Cameron (Consultant Psychiatrist – CFT), Teresa Parsons (Services Manager – Alzheimer’s Society) & Dr Allison Hibbert (GP Clinical Lead for Dementia, NHS Kernow).
‘Dying Well with Dementia’- With guest speakers Jay Over (Resus Officer – RCHT) & Dr Allison Hibbert (GP Clinical Lead for Dementia, NHS Kernow).
‘Legal Issues’- (Mental capacity act, deprivation of liberty and driving) with guest speakers Dr Vicky Brown (Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist) & Allison Hibbert (GP Clinical Lead for Dementia, NHS Kernow).
If you know of a specialist area that you think would benefit from a learning programme please let us know by email
Continuing Professional Development
We are happy to share links below for organisations that provide resources and e-learning for GPs. Please note these are not delivered by or in collaboration with the Cornwall Training Hub, but are those we have been made aware of.
Monthly face-to-face teaching at The Duchy Hospital via RCGP Tamar Faculty