GP Nurses

GPN Preceptorship / Preceptorship +

Following the closure of the national newly qualified GPN Fellowship Programme, the Training Hub are excited to announce a new 12-month programme available to newly qualified General Practice Nurses (GPNs) and new to general practice nurses in Cornwall, funded by the Cornwall Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board.


The GPN Preceptorship / Preceptorship + is a 12-month rolling programme of support and funding for eligible;

Newly Qualified GPNs who:

  • have qualified WITHIN the last 12 months AND
  • are working in, or about to start working in General Practice in Cornwall AND
  • is employed for a MINIMUM of 15 hours per week.

OR, New to General Practice Nurses who:

  • have qualified OVER 12 months ago AND
  • transferred from other healthcare sectors WITHIN the last 12 months AND
  • have NOT previously been employed within General Practice during their career
  • are now working in, or about to start working in General Practice in Cornwall for a MINIMUM of 15 hours per week.


GPN Preceptorship

Provides funding and support worth around £3,000 for each eligible nurse for 12 months which supports their Personal Development and the Development Plans of the Practice / PCN.  It includes:

  • Up to 6 sessions over 12 months with one of the Training Hub’s experienced Clinical Skills Coaches
  • Funding contribution of £2072 (paid in four quarterly instalments of £518 each) towards 2 hrs per week of Protected Learning Time for 12 months. This is to be used to support and release the nurse from clinical duties to participate in:
    • Clinical Skills coaching sessions within the practice,
    • Clinical Supervision sessions delivered online by the Training Hub (minimum of 5 sessions are required to be attended over the 12 months)
    • Other CPD training for development (except Mandatory / Induction training) (does not include course training fees).


GPN Preceptorship +

Provides funding and support worth around £8,000 for each eligible nurse for 12 months which supports their Personal Development and the Development Plans of the Practice / PCN.  It includes everything above in the GPN Preceptorship with the addition of:

  • Fully funded place on Fundamentals of General Practice Nursing Level 6/7 university course (Plymouth/Exeter)
  • £2000 one off payment which can be used flexibly to provide support and release for the nurse to attend university course.


Funded Protected Learning Time for either the GPN Preceptorship / Preceptorship + should NOT be used for:

  • Compliance or core mandatory / statutory training (e.g. Bluestream, Elearning for Health)
  • Induction training within your Practice
  • Practice meetings you are required to attend as part of your duties (e.g. MDT meetings)


To register

Please ask your Lead Nurse/Practice Manager to complete the registration form here.

Once submitted an Introductory Meeting will be set up for nurse together with Lead Practice Nurse / Practice Manager and the Training Hub Preceptorship Team to go through Preceptorship Policy together with the associated Terms & Conditions and to answer any questions you may have.


Useful Resources

Transition to General Practice Nursing – General Practice – The Queen’s Nursing Institute

NHS England – General Practice Nursing Induction Template