Mental Health Issues in Primary Care – Interest Register

For All Advanced Practitioners working in Community settings.

We have a mental health crisis on our hands? As society becomes more stressed we see more distress….

How do we:

  • Stay safe ?
  • Be effective ?
  • Prioritise time ?
  • Make a difference ?

So we will focus on:

  • Acute Stress Reactions
  • Anxiety and Social Phobias
  • Depression
  • Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

We Will Cover…..

  • Theories around the causes of anxiety and depression
  • review of talking therapy
  • medication
  • brief interventional techniques in CBT

The day will be delivered via ZOOM using a range of techniques to ensure the day is informative and relevant using real results,  discussion groups and mini-lectures.

This training is delivered by Colin Roberts, GP and Associate Professor In Advanced Practice at Plymouth University. Your booking details will be passed onto Colin so that he can invite you to join the Zoom meeting.


Please register your interest using the icon on the right.