An interactive e-learning programme providing general practice teams with the evidence, current best practice, and resources to support access improvements that benefit all patients.
General practice is at the heart of the NHS and is the first port of call for many peoples’ health needs. We provide over 300 million appointments each year and demand is increasing year on year. It has never been harder to meet the needs of our patients with the limited resources available to us.
We want our patients to be offered the right care by the right person to best meet their needs.
This session is made up of 5 chapters to support you and your team better manage your access challenges. Once you have completed this session you will be equipped to work with your team and patients to deliver access improvement projects that work for your patients, practice, and primary care network (PCN).
The 5 chapters are:
- A whole-system approach to access
- Understanding general practice activity
- Working with patients to improve access
- Working with the general practice team to improve access
- Making change happen
Primary audience – Practice managers and staff responsible for patient access systems. This programme is of particular relevance for practice managers and those involved in developing, implementing and reviewing processes and systems to support patient access, within available resources, whether they be GP partners or those nominated to take a lead on patient access within the practice.
Secondary audience – Providing good access requires a whole-team approach and as such this programme will be of interest to the wider general practice team as well as organisations representing patients, service planners, researchers and all those looking to develop a good understanding of general practice access. This programme will also be of interest to new starters and those new to the profession.