Staff Bank Survey

We are conducting an evaluation of the General Practice Staff Bank, please would you complete the short survey below to let us have your feedback. We will use this to make improvements to the bank to ensure that it meets your needs.

General Practice Bank Survey

About You

Are you:
Which of these roles are you able to undertake? (Please tick all that apply).
Do you currently have a role working for a GP Practice, NHS Trust or another healthcare setting?

Your Career Development

Would you describe yourself as:

Your Availability

When are you able to undertake shifts? Please tick all boxes that apply:
How much notice do you require to pick up a shift?
What is the best way to contact you? Please tick all that apply.
Which PCN would you be willing to work in? (Please tick all that apply)

Accessing & Booking Shifts

How are you currently being informed about shifts that are available to work?
When was the most recent bank shift you worked?
During the last 6 months how many bank shifts have you booked
If you haven't worked a shift through RotaMaster, or through the staff bank, have you picked up additional flexible shifts?
What would enable you to pick up shifts

What can we do better?

Do you know who to contact if you have any concerns or queries?