2021 marks ten years of Kernow Health CIC
A message from Mark Woolcock…
‘2021 will be remembered as being remarkable for many reasons, but one event that slipped under the covid-radar was Kernow Health’s 10 year-anniversary. Incorporated in March 2011, our organisation has grown considerably and gone from strength to strength, and is perhaps unrecognisable for some when reflecting back to the start. With over 300 staff on our books, and contracts across primary, community and urgent care – as well as Cornwall’s highly respected Training Hub – the organisation is extremely well placed to expand even more over the next few years, with explicit regard to our original vision of ‘keeping general practice at the heart of patient care.
Myself, the Exec team and the Board have worked hard over the past year to prepare our organisation for the future. Having now successfully repaid all loans graciously provided to help set us up, the CIC has built on this financial stability and developed a business strategy that enables us to support general practice even further. Once reliant on ‘back office support functions’ from other organisations, the CIC now boasts its own suite of corporate services. This allows us to offer practice-specific services from our at scale service provision. With a Board comprising a healthy balance of GP representatives, as well as seasoned business-experts, we feel well prepared to continue delivering our current contracts, re-tendering or extending where appropriate, as well as preparing to host relevant clinical contracts that our system partners request assistance with.
The CIC goes into 2022 in a position of financial and governance stability, with a balanced Board of Directors supported by teams from our corporate services and our operational managers – and with the clear aim to work with general practice colleagues at practice, PCN, ICA and ICS levels to host contracts, offer back-office services and provide unconditional support for the future.’
Mark Woolcock
Chief Executive