Hosting Students & Quality Learning Environments
Hosting Students in General Practice
The Training Hub are pleased to offer a range of support for students on placement in General Practice, in addition to providing support for the hosting practices. You can find resources below specific to the students you are hosting.
Quality Learning Environments
Historically approval to host trainees or students was granted to practices and their supervisors by multiple organisations e.g., Approved Education Institutions (AEI’s), Health Education England (HEE), School of Primary Care. Approval is now being given to a Learning Organisation, ideally based on a Primary Care Network (PCN) footprint. The aim is to approve Learning Organisations as sites for multidisciplinary learners, which streamlines and reduces the number of reapproval visits and audits required and highlights how the Learning Organisation meets the NHSE Workforce, Training & Education Quality Framework.
Supervisors will be accredited by their individual professional organisations e.g. The GP School for GP clinical and educational supervisors.
To gain approval to host learners Learning Organisations must evidence achievement of the required standards within the NHSE Workforce, Training & Education Quality Framework at the point of application. This will be subsequently monitored through the review process.
This process supports the Training Hub Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) covering ‘expanding and managing innovative and high-quality learning environments’.
You can find some helpful information via the below links about the process.
Primary Care Learning Organisation Toolkit
Primary Care Learning Organisation FAQ
The PCN Learning Organisation Approval Process in Cornwall
Cornwall Training Hub are pleased to be leading on this process for PCNs looking to be approved as Learning Organisations. Within the team, there is a GP Lead and Panel chair, along with support of the programme and education team to support practices and PCNs through the process.
The process involves the Training Hub and all stakeholders that support students while they are on their placement in General Practice, including GP trainers, Practice Managers, Nurse supervisors and any other members of the team involved or interested in supporting learners.
The Training Hub are currently contacting PCNs not yet approved to arrange their visit. The visits have been taking place virtually, and include a panel of representatives from Education providers, the GP school and the Training Hub.
The NHS Safe Learning Environment Charter
NHS England have published the Safe Learning Environment Charter, which sets out what a good placement looks like for learners and how it can be achieved through 10 priority areas. You can read the charter via the below link.
The NHS Safe Learning Environment Charter
The NHS SAfe Learning Environment Charter- Useful resources to support implementation