Pathway to Best Practice in Spirometry and ARTP Assessment – starting 3rd October 2024


This training is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for performing, recording and/or interpreting spirometry in adults. We advise that candidates gain some experience of spirometry before commencing this training.

This training is designed for those wishing to gain registration with the ARTP.  As such, it requires a significant investment of time, commitment and self-study, in addition to the study sessions. Learners will require the support of their team and they should identify a clinical mentor (ideally ARTP registered).

Format of the Pathway

You must attend all sessions.

  • 1-day face to face training day – 3rd October 2024, 9.00am-4.30pm, St Austell Conference Centre (PL25 4EJ) Agenda available to view. You are only required to attend the parts of the day relevant to the certification you wish to complete. For example, if you are only completing the Performing certificate, you may only wish to attend in the morning
  • Following the 1-day training, you will need to access Google Classroom where you can review the session materials and useful resources. This includes what is required for the portfolio and OSCE. You will need to get some practical experience in spirometry, ideally with a mentor. You will need to check Google Classroom for all further course communications.
  • ½ day face to face training – 14th November 2024, 9.00am-12.30 pm at St Austell Conference Centre (PL25 4EJ)
  • Following the half day training, you will be enrolled for the ARTP assessment process. The ARTP will send pebble pad log-in details to you. Pebble Pad is the platform where the portfolio is completed, and evidence is uploaded.  Prior to attending the virtual session, you should have started to put your portfolio together and be preparing for the OSCE.
  • 1/2 day virtual session – Date to be confirmed
  • Email support will also be provided
  • Completion of ARTP assessment process (please see below).

IMPORTANT – Delegates must have access to an up-to-date spirometer and should bring their spirometer to the training days. If the spirometer works through software to a PC, delegates need to arrange for that software to be put onto a laptop in advance of the training days so that they can carry out the practical elements of the day. Delegates also need to bring antiviral filters and their 3 Litre syringe.

ARTP Certification & Assessment Process

Depending on the level of ARTP certificate you wish to attain, the ARTP assessment process will involve the compilation of a portfolio of evidence, a multiple-choice exam and / or an OSCE practical exam. Please see below.

  • Full Certificate (performing and reporting) – portfolio, OSCE practical exam and multiple choice questionnaire
  • Performing Certificate – portfolio, OSCE practical exam
  • Reporting Certificate – portfolio, multiple choice questionnaire

Once enrolled with the ARTP, learners will have 9 months to complete the assessment process. Learners should aim to submit their portfolio around month 6 and book their OSCE around month 4/5. Please visit the ARTP Certification webpage for more information.

Booking Process

In order to book onto this training, please complete our booking form and return to


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