De-escalation – Responding to Challenging Patient Behaviour (Virtual Learning) – 26th March 2025

Are you familiar with difficult patient interactions, face to face or on the phone, when a patient is frustrated, angry or tearful and it leaves you feeling the same? If you are, then this is the course for you.

De-escalation – Responding to Challenging Patient Behaviour is a virtual course that will help you get better outcomes from these difficult situations: for the patient, the practice and for yourself.

It focuses on 3 areas:

  • Before the interaction – understanding the experiences that shape patients before they come into / phone the surgery and how your experiences may shape your response to them
  • During the interaction – exploring how the interaction unfolds and how you can de-escalate it
  • After the interaction – developing actions to help manage the impact on you and safeguard your own wellbeing

This is an engaging, interactive course that will give you new approaches to supporting patients, allow you to practice new skills and offer the opportunity to share experiences and ideas with your colleagues.

About The Trainer
Andy Marshall, is an associate trainer with Turner Corner Learning Solutions. He has 25 years of experience, working on mental wellbeing, inclusion and behaviour change with people in many different circumstances: young people in schools and pupil referral units, prisoners and officers in the criminal justice system and staff across many organisations in the public, private and third sectors. He uses his specialism in drama-based and active learning to explore human interaction and how to create positive outcomes.

Course Cost

This course is funded for staff employed within primary care in Cornwall. We reserve the right to cancel ineligible bookings.

If you do not work in primary care in Cornwall and are interested in this course, please email

If you need to cancel a booked place on a course, please do so giving sufficient notice for the place to be reallocated. As per our terms and conditions, we reserve the right to charge for places cancelled less than 5 working days prior to the course start (unless otherwise stated), or failure to take up the place on the day of the course. This applies to both members and non-members of the Primary Care Education Programme.


Ticket Price Quantity
De-escalation - Responding to Challenging Patient Behaviour (Virtual Learning) - 26th March 2025 £0.00 Sold out
Please click here to view our Terms & Conditions.