Our latest Leadership Programme is a 9-month bespoke development programme for those new into management, or those aspiring to start their first role in management. This may include Team Leaders, […]
Are you familiar with difficult patient interactions, face to face or on the phone, when a patient is frustrated, angry or tearful and it leaves you feeling the same? If […]
Do you want to work towards reducing your workload? Whether this is a small change or a move towards 25 patients a day, we want to help you make this […]
This course will be delivered by Crisp Professional Development, face to face, at the County Arms, Truro. This course gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to ensuring any project you […]
Delivered virtually by the PMA, this web workshop is for people who are Practice or Admin Managers in Primary Care who want to improve their operational delivery. During the workshop, […]
This course will be delivered face to face at Victoria Offices, Station Approach, Victoria, St Austell, PL26 8LG, in the Victoria Suite. Overview: This course is designed to help you […]
This is a virtual workshop run by Affinity Connect, aimed at any employee in the NHS Pension scheme who may be considering retirement, or have just started thinking about retirement […]
This one-hour virtual course delivered by Affinity Connect addresses the April 2023 changes to the Pension Tax Allowance relating to the Lifetime Allowance and the Annual Allowance. This course is […]
This 90 minutes virtual course will be delivered by Affinity Connect. Did you join the NHS pension scheme on or before 31st March 2012 and were still a member of […]
Supporting people during the perimenopause and menopause – a short course for managers. Explanation of perimenopause and menopause stages. How it can affect people at work – the personal, business […]