Training for Champions

What is a CYP Mental Health Champion?

In addition to the universal training offer, we are offering training aimed at a smaller number of people, working in a variety of settings, who will develop a deeper understanding and a broader range of mental health skills to both support CYP presenting in a mental health crisis. These staff will champion needs of CYP in the settings in which they work. We are referring to these staff as CYP MH Champions.

CYP Mental Health Champions are likely to work in emergency departments; paediatrics; schools/colleges; voluntary sector; medical wards; police and first responders (such as 111 and SWAST). We anticipate that there will be about 50 Champions across all systems of care in CIOS. Places are limited.

What training will be available to CYP Mental Health Champions?

The CYP MH Champions will access a broader range of trainings to support their understanding and skills development in relation to supporting CYP presenting in a MH crisis, as follows:

  • HEADDS assessment for vulnerable youth (2 hours)
  • Mental Health First Aid Youth (4 half days)
  • Suicide First Aid (2 half days)
  • Suicide Awareness – SP-EAK ( half day)
  • Signs of Safety (half day)
  • Trauma and adversity informed care for CYP who present in MH crisis.( half day)

The trainings are provided to staff at no cost to the individual or the agency.

The trainings are all delivered by experts in their field and nationally recognised. They support Safeguarding training and professional development to improve care of CYP presenting in MH crisis following government recommendations.

What do I do if I’d like to become a CYP Mental Health Champion?

The Champions will be nominated by their agencies. It is anticipated that they will be people who are interested and enthusiastic in enhancing their understanding and skills in relation to supporting CYP in a MH crisis. They are likely to be people who convey their interest and enthusiasm in attending these trainings and assuming the role of Champion.

We will be running our third and final cohort in the Summer 2024.

In the first instance, please speak with your organisation about becoming a Champion. If you’d like to discuss this further, please email